Categories: Movie News

INT: Morgan J. Freeman

The thriller
will see a limited limited theatrical release on
July 17, 2009. The flick stars Misha Barton, Jessica Stroup and Matt Long and
word has it that its pretty good. Now director MORGAN J
recently dropped by the AITH outhouse to give us the 411 on
his latest “bitch goes psycho” jamboree and here’s what he spat our way.


was it about the Homecoming screenplay that made you say: “I have to do this”
when you read it?

I’m a huge fan of Misery and this read as a smart update on the classic
thriller, but for a new teen audience.

You had a solid cast on your hands: Misha Barton, Jessica Stroup and matt
long. how was the auditioning process for this one? easy money or an arduous

Easy money.

With American Psycho 2 under your belt, this is your second stab at the
“psycho girl let loose” subgenre. what is it about the themes that come with it
that keeps you coming back?

Very good question. but I’m going to need a few more years in therapy before

The crazy ex
girlfriend subgenre has been done to death; what did you want to bring to the
game to have your film stand out from the rest?

I was very interested in the idea of pushing the jilted high school ex to the
obsessive Fatal Attraction level. everybody has their first high school love and
many have probably fantasized wicked methods for revenge — Shelby just happens
to actually act on hers. i found this a fresh take on an old twist.

Homecoming Trailer!

was a much more classically shot film than say American Psycho 2. what were you
going for visually with this one?

Reality. I worked closely with DP Stephen Kazmiersky and prod designer Mark
White to create a world grounded in reality. we wanted the farmhouse to reek of
authenticity so that our insane premise could conceivably really happen.

What was the most challenging aspect of this particular production? How did
you overcome it?

20 day shoot schedule and freezing weather. Prayed and inserted foot warmers in
my boots.

The film was
fairly tame in terms of violence and sexuality; was that a conscious decision on
your part? why did you decide to take that path?

We went for the “less is more” motto on this. by letting the true horror happen
just off-screen or just after we cutaway, we allowed for the film to thrill more
than shock. It is a thriller, not a horror film.

Homecoming killer clip!

Your next
genre film will be the cold. what can you tell us about it? where is it at right
now? when do you start shooting?

The cold is set for this winter. it’s a psychological thriller set in the woods
when a hunting trip goes awry. the hunters become the hunted. think “Deer
Hunter” meets “Deliverance” with a twist of “Predator.”

Any other genre projects in the pipeline we should know about?

My series “16 and pregnant” is currently airing on MTV Thursday nights at 10pm.
and I’m currently writing a personal script about my darker days set in Echo
Park. it’s like “Training Day” in reverse.

If Homecoming does well; would you be interested in tackling a Homecoming
part 2?

Yes, but I’d demand 21 days to shoot!


Published by
The Arrow