Categories: Movie News

INT: Rolfe Kanefsky

The Arrow interviews Rolfe Kanefsky

Kanefsky hit the genre scene
at 20 years old with the horror comedy THERE’S NOTHING OUT THERE. He
then continued to crank out the celluloid goods via horror
films, thrillers, an adventure film for kids and even an erotic
Sci-Fi jamboree! Talk about diverse!

I recently had the opportunity to blab blood and guts
with Rolfe to celebrate the release of his genre party favor

Here are his 3 cents on the film and beyond!

What’s your favorite horror movie?

The one that terrified me as a kid was the
1979 “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers”. “Fright Night” and “Evil Dead
2” were the most fun in the theatres. “The Stepfather” was a sleeper
surprise but I may have to go with Carpenter’s “The Thing” as one of
the best.

How did you fall into horror filmmaking? Was
it always a goal or did it happen by fluke.

I got into film by watching Abbott and
Costello movies from the age of 4 to 14. All of their “meet the
monsters” movies made a big impact on me and I loved the blend of horror
and humor. At 14, I decided that I was going to be a film director
and that’s when I really started researching and found out, at the
time, most first time directors started with horror films. So, I
started renting out every horror film, reading Fangoria, and taught
myself the genre. By the age of twenty, I had already written a few
scripts and in 1989 horror was still very popular so “There’s
Nothing Out There” seemed like the perfect first film. Horror (with
humor), one location, limited cast, and an alien monster so that
became my first professional film.

Your more recently distributed flick “The
Hazing” was a throwback to 80’s Party Horror. In your opinion; what
makes those types of genre flicks so darn appealing?

Well, I grew up watching the 80’s horror
films. There was a sense of just outrageous fun in those films. The
70’s were disturbing and scary like “Halloween”, “Exorcist”, “Jaws”,
“Body Snatchers” etc… but once MTV hit, the horror films took on a
kind of anything goes. The “Nightmare On Elm Street” series, “Night
Of The Demons”, “Re-animator”, etc… They were that scary but they
were a roller coaster ride that you couldn’t take too seriously.
They didn’t give me nightmares. I think they were good date films as
long as your date didn’t mind over the top, almost comic book style
gore, and some nudity. Pure entertainment with no excuses.

Were there any particular horror movies that
inspired you while writing/shooting “The Hazing”?

Many. “Evil Dead 1 & 2” were huge influences.
Of course “Night of the Demons 1 & 2” also. I both in many
references to both of these series throughout the film. The idea for
“The Hazing” started as a possible “Hell Night” sequel and you can
see a connection story-wise. I also through in slight references to
“Suspiria”, “Sleepaway Camp 2”, “Elm Street 3”, “Dead & Buried”,
“Patrick”, “Exorcist 3”, with nods to my three favorite haunted
house movies; the original “The Haunting”, “Legend Of Hell House”,
and “Poltergeist”.

Were you at all intimidated in directing a
veteran of the likes of Brad “Chucky” Dourif?

Brad was great. Before I first met him, I was
a little nervous but he was such a nice guy. A complete pro and
liked the script. He really worked on the character with me and
added a lot of background to the book and staff from his own
knowledge with alchemy. When we decided to go with a British accent,
he worked with the actors that had to impersonate him later in the
film a lot. Brad called himself a “whore” and says he’ll do anything
but when he takes on a role, he does it a hundred percent. He really
got into it and nailed the sarcastic attitude, making his character
Professor Kapps a lot of fun.

The Hazing had its fair share of female nudity
(thank you), was it at all uncomfortable/challenging to shoot the
nude scenes?

Well, the two strippers in the opening frat
scene were added to the original script since I was told that
foreign buyers need to see some T & A within the first ten minutes
of the film. Those actresses were hired for that reason alone so no
problem there. Tiffany Shepis I had known for years and she had no
problem with her scene. In fact, I told her that my goal was the get
the best nude shot of her from behind ever. She was cool with that.
I knew exactly the way I wanted to film it and she looks incredible.

Now, Nectar Rose had never done any nudity
before so she was a little worried. She almost didn’t take the role
because of it. But myself and the producer took her out to breakfast
one day and discussed it all. We told her exactly what would be seen
and even had storyboards created to show her all the angles. Nectar
finally agreed but there were some changes. She didn’t want too much
nudity in the film. So, in the scene when they’re changing into
their Halloween costumes, we don’t see her topless from the front
and later with the tongue scene, we kept her covered. In the
original script when she finally notices the tongue on her, it was
flicking her nipple. Nectar objected to that so I changed it to have
it slapping her stomach.

However, Nectar was wonderful to work with and
was a real trooper. Luckily, she got along with her co-star Jeremy
Maxwell so well that they are still together today. He helped her
feel comfortable as you can tell if you listen to the cast
commentary track on the DVD, especially in the bedroom scene. Nectar
actually had the most trouble with the orgasm shot on her face.
Having a fake orgasm in front of twenty crew people staring down at
you is not the easiest thing to do.

What was the more difficult visual effect to
accomplish during the shoot?

The spirit P.O.V. shots were tricky because
we’re shooting wide angle lens and flying around the house, seeing
everything. Hard to hide lights. My D.P., Tom Callaway, invented
these really cool rig where the actors can wear the camera and then
move around. He actually created it for some shots on “Halloween 6”.
We used it when Tiffany Shepis and possessed Doug, Philip Andrew”
are spinning around in the living room.

We also created a bungee-cam for the shot when
the spirit P.O.V. flies down the vent and finds the book in the
cellar. There were a lot of cool rigs built. I really wanted an
“Evil Dead” anything goes feel and I like to “see the world” which
is very hard when you’re in a real location. Hack House is a real
house with real ceilings and walls. It looks great but it’s hard to
fly through solid walls as you could probably guess.

You did wonders at milking your moderate
budget; especially during the kills. With more money is there
anything specific that you would have done differently?

Yes. I wanted a lot more. We lost a couple of
cool scenes from the script. There was a growing hallway scene with
all these doors that open outward, turning the hall into a giant
maze. That was actually one of my favorite scenes in the script and
we couldn’t afford to shoot it. The mannequin scene was originally
much bigger. The mannequin turns real as it’s making out with
Justine. We actually hired an actress to play the mannequin and
painted her naked chest to match but never had time to shoot it.
Also, Justine’s death was a lot more elaborate.

I have storyboards showing the full sequence.
As she starts to change, she stumbles into the hall and her body
stiffens bit by bit. It’s a slow painful transformation and would
have been really cool. Again, ran out of time. The original fight in
Kapps’ house was much bigger. Kapps was suppose to fall down the
entire staircase and we had a stuntman to do it but again, no time.
During the fight, the glass case that holds the box was suppose to
be shattered. It was built and ready but no time. I would have loved
for the movie theater seat kill scene to be bigger and even more
roller coaster-ish but… I could probably go on and on. But you get
the idea.

“The Hazing” was filled with movie references;
I caught Evil Dead and Reservoir Dogs. Were there any other nods
that I might have missed?

I kinda answered this question above but for
the record on a few, when Roy enters the house and they hear the
banging, he says “It’s probably Hackford using someone’s decapitated
head as a basketball”. A nod to that exact same scene in “Night Of
The Demons 2”. When Jacob sees the mannequin and pulls down her top
saying, “look at the party hats on her” is a nod to “Party hats two
o’clock” from “Sleepaway Camp 2”. Doug reading the latin in the book
says “Suspirinorum” and “Tenebrium”. Couple of Argento nods. Did you
catch the autograph on the Bruce Campbell photo? The first time we
see it, it says “Groovy”. The second time with the blood and dart,
it says “Not Groovy”. The needles in the eye in the patient in the
hospital was a slight homage to the classic scene in “Dead and
Buried”. There are some more but I’ll leave it at that.

You have “Corpses” and “Jacqueline Hyde” up
next. What can you tell us about both pictures?

CORPSES is a “zombedy” about a mortician that
invents a serum that can bring the dead back to life for a hour at a
time. He created a small (low-budget) army to do his bidding. It was
a nightmare shoot and I could really write a book about this very
unpleasant experience. However, the film is kind of fun if you’re in
the right mood. Tiffany Shepis, Jeff Fahey, and Robert Donavan are
great. It’s very silly. If you think of it as a bad version of
“Shaun Of The Dead”, you could have a good time. I can not look at
the objectively at all but I do find it funny despite all the
problems and there are a lot of problems.

JACQUELINE HYDE was a much better experience.
It’s a modern female take on the classic “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”
tale. I wrote, directed and for the first time co-produced the film
with my partner/star, Gabriella Hall. It’s a sexy and horrific tale
about a woman who finds a potion that can transform her into anyone
she wants to be. She experiments a lot as her aggressive sexual and
violent side takes over. Gabriella Hall plays “Jackie” and Blythe
Metz plays the evil “Jacqueline”.

There are trailers for both CORPSES and
JACQUELINE HYDE up at my website as
Check them out. JACQUELINE HYDE has just been selected to premiere
at the 23rd Brussels International Fantasy, Thriller,
Science Fiction Film Festival which is a great honor! It’s in March
and I’m hoping to go. CORPSES is suppose to hit video/DVD in March
now and we are currently seeking domestic distribution for
JACQUELINE HYDE right now. I see some good things happening with

Will a “The Hazing Part 2” ever come to light?

Probably not although I just heard that the
producer is writing a script that could be a follow-up. I don’t know
anything about it. I’m not against it but I can tell you right now,
THE HAZING was not designed to be a “Scream” type of trilogy. I have
other horror scripts that I’d like to do. Some have an 80’s feel. I
have one called “THE HOST” which is almost a bigger budget version
of THE HAZING. I would very much like to do that.

You’re obviously a big Evil Dead and Bruce
Campbell fan, any plans of working with the lad in the future?

Well, funny you should ask. A few years ago I
was hired to write a script for Bruce Campbell. It’s a zombie movie
in outer space and a lot of fun. The producers are trying to set it
up. I’d like to direct it but it’s their call. However, I am
attached to a film that’s supposed to go next year called “MUTANT”
and Bruce Campbell’s name is on the list to possibly play the
sheriff. I’m all for it. He’s one of my top choices.

What are your thoughts on the recently
announced The Evil Dead remake?

I’d do it in a heartbeat but I don’t think
I’ll be offered it. Well, “EVIL DEAD 2” is a part remake already.
The story is so simple that it’s just an excuse for anything to
happen. I’d love to see another one. They just have to keep the
over-the-top feel going. I hope they don’t shy away from the tree
rape scene. If you’re going to do, go for it! That’s why I fought
very hard for the “tongue scene” in THE HAZING. We these kind of
films you want people to go, “Oh my God. I can’t believe I just saw
that”. That’s what watching “EVIL DEAD” for 85 minutes was like.
“RE-ANIMATOR” did it. That’s what fun. I tried to put a few scenes
like that in JACQUELINE HYDE. It’s what Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi
used to always do. I hope more filmmakers keep the tradition


like to thank Rolfe for the amusing romp that was THE HAZING and for
dropping by to give us so much insight as to the behind the scenes
of the flick. Keep em coming dude!



Published by
The Arrow