Categories: Movie News

INT: Samantha Shields

interviews Samantha Shields

When I sat through the Scotland made
low budget, monsters on the loose opus WILD COUNTRY, I was totally
blown away by the performance of a certain SAMANTHA SHIELDS. I had
never heard of her, she looked fairly young but yet she displayed
acting chops that would give Meryl Streep a run for her Gold Card. I
recently got the chance of having a bla-bla session with Miss
Shields and here’s what she back-handed my way!

Are you a horror fan? If so what are your favorite genre films?

I am a huge horror fan!
I go to the cinema all the time to see the latest horror movies. My
recent favorite was THE DESCENT. I thought it was so amazing!

What kind of acting background do you have, if any?

I have been performing
since i was 8. I started out as a dancer then got into theatre where I
realized my love for acting. I got an agent, did some TV ads and short
films (just small bit-parts) but Wild Country is my first big thing.

How did you wind up being cast as the lead in Wild Country? Was there an
extensive run of auditions?

I first auditioned for
the part in Wild Country when I was sixteen and still at school. I got a
few call backs then the production company didn’t have the funding so
the film didn’t go ahead. Then 2 years later I got a phone call from Ros
(producer) to see if I would go back and audition for them. By this time
I was 18 so they were worried I’d look too old for the part (Kellyann is
16) but I still looked the same so I went through a series of more
intense auditions, then I got cast!

What was the more difficult thing about the shoot for you?

The birth scene was the
most difficult part of the shoot for me. I did lots of research and
watched videos of woman giving birth but the idea of me trying to
portray that scared the hell out of me. Craig (director) was really
supportive though, we had some rehearsals before the shoot which made
the actual filming of the scene a bit easier. It was one of the first
scenes we shot though, and I had never done anything like it before. It
was scary.

What was your process when it came to making yourself be “afraid” of the
creatures when knowing there were fake?

I just tried to imagine
how I would feel if there was a huge werewolf chasing me! Even though it
was fake it still really scared me. It looked like a big dog and I’m
scared of dogs! It is difficult when you know it’s fake but that’s when
the imagination part of acting is comes in handy.

Any funny on set stories that happened to you that you care to share
with us?

Yes! When me and Martin
were filming the scene where we first find the baby and I lift the baby
up, he urinated all over me, not just once but in 3 different takes! The
costume lady was mad! (The baby is called Josh, he’s my best friend’s
baby boy)

Would you say that Director Craig Strachan helped a lot in terms of
getting that fine performance out of you? Was he an actor’s director as
they say?

Craig was amazing. He
was really subtle in his approach to getting the best out of us. He was
gentle with me and always let me do my own thing first then he would cut
in and ask me to try things a bit different. Also because he is the
writer, if we felt there was a line or scene that didn’t feel right he
would let us change it as long as he liked it too and understood why we
wanted to change it. He’s an awesome director and I’d love to work with
him again.

there would be a Wild Country Part 2, would you be interested in playing
Kelly Ann again?

I would definitely play
the part again, I love the character, she’s so deep and really
interesting to play. I would also love to work with the cast and crew
again. I just had the most amazing time, although most of my friends
died in it so I don’t know what would happen there!

your knowledge is there talk of a Wild Country sequel?

I read something in the
paper about a follow up but I haven’t heard anything from Ros or Craig!
I don’t think there will be a sequel but you never know.

What’s next up for you as an actress, any other projects lined up?

I’m busy promoting Wild
Country just now and I’m having so much fun doing it. I’ve got a couple
of auditions coming up, just have to wait and see what happens.

What would you say are the two best things about Scotland? I’m thinking
of visiting!

Wow, there’s so much
good stuff about Scotland! The people are amazing. Really friendly and
down to earth… and probably the scenery, its so beautiful. You can go
on long walks and never get bored. You should definitely come and visit.
I think you will like it!

Will do! I’ll be
visiting within the next two years! Gotta do it! Thanks girl and keep
kicking that “acting” ass!

Thanks to
Sami for being such a sweetie and for this
compelling interview. I’d like to wish her best of luck with her “sure
to be grand” acting career. YOU GO GIRL!



Published by
The Arrow