Categories: Movie News

Intl Button trailer

Most people who’ve seen David Fincher’s upcoming THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON, an adaptation of the F. Scott Fitzgerald short story of the same name, agree that the reverse aging visuals are spectacularly groundbreaking but not everyone is convinced that the story matches the awe-inspriring greatness of the visuals. Either way, this film is something special and the recently released international trailer only helps to confirm that. Brad Pitt, of course, plays a man born old who experiences a lifetime of loss and love while aging backwards. Check out the trailer below.

In related news, an important recent screening of the film was canceled due to a faulty digital projector that apparently kept projecting the film with a distracting green hue. That one’s gotta sting Fincher more than most considering how much of a proponent he is of digital technology.

The reverse aging starts Christmas Day.

Published by
Omar Aviles