Categories: Movie News

Iron Man 2 trailer to debut on Jimmy Kimmel after Oscars!

Want a reason to stay awake throughout the entire Oscar ceremony? How about this: Robert Downey, Jr. will be a guest on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and will be bringing a special guest; the brand new trailer for IRON MAN 2! Be warned though, if you’re on the east coast, you have a long night ahead of you. The Oscars are scheduled to end at 11:30pm and then you have a half-hour of local news. “Jimmy Kimmel” is expected to begin at 12:05am (and you know that’s never gonna happen) and Downey, Jr. is to air the trailer directly before Keith Urban sings his little song (which, as I’m sure you know, always seems to happen at the end of every talk show).

To help keep you awake, we’ll be liveblogging the Oscars so stick with Chris Bumbray, Johnny Moreno and me through the night and we’ll get you going. Though I’m sure if you pass out somewhere around the second musical number, the trailer will be online at in the morning when you wake up.

In addition to the IRON MAN 2 trailer, a new celebrity-filled video along the lines of “I’m F*cking Matt Damon” will debut with Matthew McConaughey, Rob Lowe, Sting, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner all making appearances.

Published by
Mike Sampson