Categories: Movie News

Is Ben Hardy playing Angel in Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse?

The Wrap was the first to break the news that Ben Hardy had landed a key role in X-MEN: APOCLAYPSE, and at the time the site's source claimed although the EastEnders star was being considered to play Warren Worthington III/Angel (and was also up for the Cyclops part), he had been cast in "another important role that is being kept under wraps."

However, it appears Hardy might be playing the winged mutant after all. The Wrap's Jeff Sneider has tweeted that Ben Hardy will indeed be playing Angel in the Bryan Singer film. Earlier this week Singer shared a piece of production art, confirming the character's appearance in the upcoming movie.

Obviously this isn't an official announcement from FOX about Ben Hardy's X-MEN: APOCALYPSE role, but I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money that the actor has been cast as Angel.

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE will be in theaters on May 27, 2016.

Published by
Jesse Giroux