Categories: Movie News

Rumor: Is this the first full look at Jared Leto as The Joker?

Jared Leto has been dropping lots of little glimpses at his Joker costume and make-up for David Ayer‘s SUICIDE SQUAD. The above image of leto featuring green hair and lipstick was shared by the Oscar winner via Snapchat and offers the most complete look at his character seen thus far. But, a new grainy image posted to Twitter may have captured what the full Joker look will appear like on screen. Take a look.

If that does in fact represent what the finished character looks like, it definitely is s stark contrast to what we have seen in a DC film to date. Granted we are basing this off of a grainy photo zoomed in from a photo on someone’s cell phone, but the costume looks more realistic in nature than we have seen so far. We cannot make out facial scars from this, but it looks more like this Joker is just a crazy guy with facepaint rather than a physical deformed supervillain. I have always liked that The Joker was just a demented man in clown make-up and that is what made Heath Ledger‘s character so great. Jack Nicholson took his character to a different and more surreal level. Could Jared Leto‘s be a third unique take? One would hope so.

I still have no idea how David Ayer‘s film is going to come together, but so far everything I have seen, I have liked. I hope we keep getting little reveals like this all the way through production, hopefully culminating in a kick ass finished product.

SUICIDE SQUAD opens August 5, 2016.

Published by
Alex Maidy