Categories: Horror Movie News

Israeli horror flick Rabies will infect your home on DVD in February

We’ve heard lots of good things about RABIES, which is evidently Israel’s first horror film, a claim I still find somewhat hard to believe but(I’ll take the marketing department’s word for it). The film played to good notices at the Tribeca 2011 Film Festival and the Fantasia 2011 Film Fest, and now it’s getting ready to squirm its way onto DVD; the Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado-directed thriller will be released upon the world this coming February.

The lowdown: When a psychotic serial killer is on the loose, his path of rampage crosses paths with Ofer and Tali, a brother and sister combo who have run away from home. But when Tali becomes ensnared in the killer’s trap, it is up to Ofer to find help. Left alone, Tali soon becomes mixed up with an unlikely group of characters, ranging from a set of tennis players to a squad of policemen. All the while, they continue to be stalked by the murderer – and when this assassin’s identity is finally revealed, it turns out to be the biggest shock of all!

RABIES stars Lior Ashenazi, Ania Bukstein and Ran Danker; it hits on FEBRUARY 28th. No additional details are yet available, but you can check out the trailer below.

RABIES actress Ania Bukstein

Published by
Eric Walkuski