Categories: Movie News

Jackson is Different

Samuel L. Jackson has signed on to star in the upcoming adaptation of the nonfiction book SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME for writers Roderick and Bruce Taylor. The film follows Denver Moore, a con man who grew up in slavery in 1960s Louisiana (yup, you read right: 1960s). He eventually meets up with a woman who has cancer and her husband, a wealthy art dealer in Texas. Their relationships eventually change all their lives for the better. As the cover of the book states, it’s an “amazing true story.”

The project has been trying to get off the ground for a while now and with Jackson’s involvement, they’re closer than ever. His participation has given financing a kickstart and once they’re able to secure the money, they’ll begin looking for a director. You shouldn’t be surprised to hear that Jackson is a busy dude. He’s currently filming THE OTHER GUYS with Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg and has at least six other projects in pre-production.

Published by
Mike Sampson