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James Bond: Charlie Hunnam would love to play 007

NO TIME TO DIE will be Daniel Craig's last hurrah as James Bond and even though the film's delayed release leaves Craig with that mantle a bit longer, a lot of fans have been speculating on who might be his successor. A lot of names have been thrown into the ring and one of them is speaking on whether or not he would take on the iconic character.

Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam has been one of many names tossed around to have his martinis "shaken, not stirred" and during a recent interview with "People Magazine", Hunnam said he would be honored to take on the role but doesn't expect getting a call for that anytime soon:

"I would be so flattered and honored to be considered to play James Bond as an Englishman. But my intuition tells me that I shouldn't be waiting for that phone call to come. I think there are many people ahead of me on that list."

Hunnam is right that there are a lot of people being mentioned to take on the role after Craig but his name has been one of them. Other popular choices include Tom Hardy, Idris Elba, Henry Golding, and Henry Cavill and the great thing about all of these names is that none of them are bad choices. I could see any of them taking on Bond but a couple of them would require fans to accept something a bit different from the norm (Elba and Golding). That being said, Hunnam says he has never been approached about the part but he is encouraging fans to keep the talk going because the film's producers might take notice:

"As much as people want to talk about me playing James Bond, please continue. Maybe that's the genesis of these things. Maybe fan chatter leads to industry people actually talking about it in a more serious way."

Hunnam also throws his support behind Tom Hardy taking the role if that was to happen. The actor described himself as an "enormous Tom Hardy fan" and he thinks would be perfect for the part. What a great problem for the Bond producers to have. There are all these great names that could possibly take the part, not to mention whatever relative unknown that could come out of nowhere and surprise us all. At this point, all of the potential Bond castings are speculation because franchise producer Barbara Broccoli recently said "you can only be in love with one person at a time" and that they're focusing on this current Bond film before thinking about Craig's replacement

Do YOU think Charlie Hunnam would be a good James Bond?

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