Categories: Horror Movie News

James Cameron gives his thoughts on Alien: Covenant

It has now been months since we were all finally able to check out the new ALIEN film by original franchise director Ridley Scott – and I think it's safe to say the general reaction wasn't on the bright side.

That said, what did James Cameron aka the writer/director of the original ALIEN sequel ALIENS think of Ridley Scott's new prequel?

Well, Mr. Cameron recently sat down for a Facebook LIVE interview where he was eventually asked to finally speak out about the new ALIEN film. He was much nicer than I thought he'd be, but Cameron seems to be a stand-up guy so maybe that was to be expected.

You can check out the quotes below and the full video in the link below. The ALIEN: COVENEANT specific bit starts at 11:50 for those who want to just jump right into it. But like I said the quotes are below, so check them out. After that make sure to hit us up in the comments below and let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram!

James Cameron on ALIEN: COVENANT:

Look I thought that Alien: Covenant was a great ride. It was beautiful. I love Ridley's films. I love his filmmaking. I love the beauty of the photography. 

He continues:

It's not a film I would have made… I don't like films where you invest in characters and then they get destroyed at the end. I would not have made that film. 

And finally:

I'll show up for the next one.

ALIEN: COVENANT is now available on Blu-ray/DVD & Digital HD. Full Cameron interview HERE.


Published by
Mike Sprague