Categories: Movie News

James Gunn posts pictures from the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 rehearsals

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 hits theaters in 15 months (!!!) and now that production is gearing up to start, director James Gunn was goodly enough to posts some pictures of the process. Thank you, social media! First up is a non-revealing pic from the table read, along with a few pictures of rehearsals that include Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista and Michael Rooker! Included below is Gunn's commentary on what exactly is going on here.

Table read for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was this morning. Oh my gosh, it was the most fun I've ever had watching a table read, and just as much fun seeing everyone together again. However someone spelled out star's name wrong so I had to correct it for him.

Michael Rooker doesn't like being shot during rehearsals (with Sean Gunn).

When someone's screwing up a scene during rehearsals I show them Dave Bautista as an example of good acting.

Gunn's directorial stylings proved to be a perfect fit for a movie as off the wall as GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY. Wouldn't you know it that it was a hit with everyone else? Suffice it to say that the sequel will definitely be one of the most anticipated in Marvel's repertoire, so I'm hoping that Gunn and the gang can deliver an adventure that was as exciting as the first. If not, there's always those INFINITY WARS movies…

GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 will open on May 5, 2017.

Published by
Sean Wist