Categories: Movie News

James McAvoy’s Professor X will finally be bald in X-Men: Apocalypse

Over the course of X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST we waited for the moment in which James McAvoy would ditch those luscious locks and embrace Professor Charles Xavier's shiny bald noggin. Early indications for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE led us to believe that James McAvoy would once again keep his hair, but now we can finally look forward to a bald Xavier; just as nature intended.

Bryan Singer has certainly been busy keeping his fans updated through Instagram, he just posted our first look at James McAvoy undergoing a bit of a transformation.

The process is still ongoing but if for some reason you were wondering what James McAvoy looks like without hair…there you have it. I've never been one of those fans clamouring for a bald Professor X but I'm sure there are more than a few of you out there who are pleased by this news.

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE is currently shooting in Montreal for a May 27, 2016 release.

Published by
Kevin Fraser