Categories: Movie News

Jeffrey Dean Morgan joins the cast of Dwayne Johnson’s Rampage

Anyone who's been following along with our RAMPAGE coverage is already aware of how stupidly excited I am for this movie. Not only is a game-to-film adaptation of one of my all-time favorite quarter-munching arcade cabinets coming to life on the big screen, it's got an impressive grouping of talent behind it as well! Not long ago, we received the good word that WOLF OF WALL STREET actor P.J. Byrne will star alongside Dwayne JohnsonNaomie Harris, Joe Manganiello, Marley Shelton, and Breanne Hill for the cinematic monster mash, and now, SUPERNATURAL and THE WALKING DEAD's Jeffrey Dean Morgan has signed on to join the fray!

As of this moment, no details concerning Morgan's role in Brad Peyton (SAN ANDREAS, JOURNEY 2: THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND) big screen brawl featuring kaiju-like creatures has been revealed – though this game nerd is really hoping that he steps into the role of Ralph the Werewolf for this picture. I can see it all now: A batch of chemicals transforms Morgan into a hulking lycathrope with razor-sharp teeth and an appetite for skyscrapers and pedestrians. That would be so damn epic!

Written by Ryan Engle with revisions by Carlton Cuse & Ryan Condal and Adam Sztykiel, RAMPAGE is scheduled to barrel and smash its way into theaters on April 20, 2018. While you're waiting, be sure to catch Dwayne Johnson in THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS which is set to drift into theaters on April 17, 2017.

Published by
Steve Seigh