Categories: Horror Movie News

Jessica Rothe still holds out hope for a third Happy Death Day sequel

HAPPY DEATH DAY was honestly a nice little gift of a movie that I think took a lot of people by surprise. The film was about a college student stuck in a horrific GROUNDHOG'S DAY-esque timeloop where she kept getting killed over-and-over again in increasingly gruesome ways by a serial killer in a baby mask. The film itself was fun, clever, and had a great central lead in Jessica Rothe who – like Bill Murray in the aforementioned GROUNDHOG'S DAY – goes through a change from asshole-to-someone worth rooting for. The sequel, HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U, continued the series with more clever twists, fun deaths, and a great Rothe performance.

Unfortunately, the sequel didn't make nearly as much at the box-office as as the first film did, meaning a third sequel (in a planned trilogy) doesn't seem likely to happen. However, in an interview with , Rothe remains hopeful:

I would love if we had the opportunity to complete the trilogy. I know that Chris has it all mapped out in his genius brain, but I also know that we only want to complete it if we get to do it right.

I think it’s just a question of seeing if the opportunity for that exists in the world. But the funny thing is I have a feeling whether it’s now or in five years or ten or twenty, if we pull a Jamie Lee Curtis from Halloween and Tree comes back as a badass 50-year-old, I know that we will get to tell the rest of the story. I love Tree, I love that character so much and I feel very, very grateful to have been a part of that.

So what do you guys think? Would you be down for a third HAPPY DEATH DAY film? If so, what would you want it to be about? Either way, sound off below!

Meanwhile, you can watch or rent HAPPY DEATH DAY (BUY IT NOW) and HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U (BUY IT NOW) right now!

Published by
Damion Damaske