Categories: Movie News

Jim Carrey flashes a familiar smile for Dumb & Dumber To

Something very special showed up on my Twitter feed last night, and I thought it would be nice to share.

Jim Carrey posted a teaser photo for DUMB & DUMBER TO and it might give you that old fashioned feeling:

That’s right. Carrey has removed his cap once more to become Lloyd Christmas. I guess this could be considered our first photo from the film and while it is only a smile, it gets me excited. The film was set to start production this month so it seems they’ve gotten started. There’s no huge specifics on the plot other than the fact that another road trip is in order. Kathleen Turner was also recently added to the cast. I can only imagine what part she will be playing. Maybe she’s Fraida Felcher….

Published by
Niki Stephens