Categories: Movie News

Jim Lee says that DC has no plans to continue the SnyderVerse

Here comes some news that should surprise no one. DC Chief Creative Officer-Publisher Jim Lee says that Warner Bros. and DC Films have no plans to continue the SnyderVerse. If fans were holding out hope that this might be restored, can now permanently put those hopes on hold.

While at San Diego Comic-Con, via @themarvelmaniac, Jim Lee discussed being a part of many of the DCEU’s films. When a fan asked him in the audience if he’s working on anything with director Zack Snyder, Lee revealed that there are currently no plans to do so. This means there are no plans to #RestoreTheSnyderVerse.

“You know what’s amazing, is we spent two years in lockdown, and here we are back at a convention, celebrating the artform, feeling good. I work on the projects that are in development, right? I think the Snyder Cut was Zack’s vision realized, and it was a really satisfying story told, but there’s no plans for additional work on that material. I was happy to help contribute to the pitch for the other stuff, and it kind of was fun to see that stuff get out there because I did that years ago. I actually thought it had been erased, but they had kept it in storage.”

The SnyderCut release has been met with success but with strange resistance from Warner Bros. Zack Snyder’s Justice League, which was the director’s original cut and vision before replacement Joss Whedon chopped it up, helped bolster HBO Max subscribers because the film was released as an exclusive to the platform. Even though reviews were solid, and it did its job by boosting subscribers, WB/DC Films have distanced themselves from the movie and Snyder every chance they get. This culminated this week with an article in Rolling Stone that some believe to be a hit piece against the film, the director, and its supporters. The article pointed to a report from an investigation by Warner Bros. that revealed that 13% of the accounts fueling the SnyderCut campaign by fans were fake or bots. The average number of fake accounts/bots is usually around 3 to 5%, so this number was reported as staggering. Let’s not sneeze at the fact that 87% of them were valid, which is still a significant number that wanted this film to happen. The report only drove home that Snyder and WB continue to generate negative press with each other, and I doubt they will be working together anytime soon.

That’s not to say that the SynderVerse characters don’t live on. Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is still set for a third adventure, while Jason Momoa will be back next March as Aquaman. There are also growing rumors that Henry Cavill will be making an appearance at San Diego Comic-Con Saturday for a big Superman announcement. Zack Snyder laid down a lot of this groundwork, but it would appear that is where his involvement ends.

What are YOUR thoughts on Jim Lee’s comments?

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