Categories: Movie News

JoBlo does Rocky 2/2

Note: With the release of ROCKY BALBOA in theaters today, we thought we’d re-publish the Arrow’s awesome trip to Philly earlier this year, when the city dedicated Rocky’s statue with Stallone in attendance. Enjoy!


You bet I was in there! This was my shot to
shake the man’s hand or get a pic with him. But at the
same time, I didn’t have it in me to go “take no prisoners fanboy” on the
guy, it’s just not my style. So I didn’t push too much, called out obscure
Sly movies to get his attention, but no hand shaking or pic materialized for me. That
said, I did get real close to the dude, as you can see on the pic below. That was enough for
me. It’s not
everyday that you stand inches away from a man who inspired you throughout
your evolution and still
does to this day. It was a great moment for me.

This picture is already framed and on my wall! LOL!

I’m in Stallone fanboy heaven!

Once the ceremony over, there was a live
band and an
outdoor screening
of the original ROCKY, but

us "press" could not partake in that since we had to rush over to the fancy “Water Works” restaurant where Stallone
was giving a brief press conference. It was a suit and tie thing. I didn’t
know it was gonna be one. I was wearing flip-flops and a baseball cap. Let’s
just say…I had trouble.

Not from the event organizers who let me in, but from the a-hole-ish security
who once in, kicked me out. Luckily, I brought the name and phone number of the MGM
dude who wanted me there. That eventually shut everybody up and I got in…for
good. People man…people. Anyway, once there, not much new info was revealed, but
Stallone did make an interesting remark about the upcoming ROCKY BALBOA.

Stallone talking shop at the posh
“Water Works” restaurant

I paraphrase: It echoes the first film in the sense that with Adrian, his
soul mate, now gone, Rocky just lumbers through
life, dead inside. This “exhibition fight” that he’s offered gives him a chance
at a new purpose, and maybe a way to get on with his new life without his

Stallone went on to say that
the film is a celebration of the positive aspects of the sport of boxing.
Sound promising to me! I’m confident that ROCKY BALBOA will make up for the
lackluster Rocky 5. Then again, I’m biased…I actually still kind of like
Rocky 5!

"My ring’s outside." Yeah, bitch!

Hero Thrill Show/Wachovia Spectrum

Where they dumped the statue after removing it from the Museum

The next day we hit up the Hero Thrill
which took place in the vast parking lot of the Wachovia Spectrum.
There was a car show, a live band and more importantly…the Philadelphia
Police Department, Motorcycle Drill Team, Fire Department and
Crime Scene Investigators, all on hand to display their performances,
techniques and fly

Greatest car ever…

The water is from a “glacier” near a “volcano”. Great f*cking water!

No need for a SWAT team… is here!

I thought that
was a swell idea, a way for citizens to not only learn more, but also to talk
get closer to the people who are covering their backs every day (I’m talking
about the good cops, not the ones that give you a ticket for spitting on the
street to fill their quota while
somebody out there is getting raped). I personally spoke to several police
officers, members of the SWAT team and CSI dudes and got lots out of it!

Every city should
have an event like this to promote positive relations between its people and its
law enforcement divisions, but that’s just me yapping. With that said, I
was there first and foremost to see Stallone on his last day in Philly and he finally showed up
on a Police Motorcycle alongside countless policemen.

Sly is the first guy on the bike from the left

Sly reveals himself and starts glad-handing!

He then hopped on
the stage with “Hero
thrill Show” organizer Jimmy Binns, and thanked everybody that helped make
the “Philly loves Rocky” week possible. Finally, Binns honored Stallone and

thanked him for not only showing up for the many festivities, but for
also attending the "Plaque Dedications” of deceased Police Officers and
one Fireman. Finally, Stallone left the premises (was that Frank Stallone next to him? You
bet it was!) and the festivities continued. They ended for me though as I booked
out shortly thereafter to chow down on some grub (Philly Steak Sandwich baby, can’t go
wrong!) and a couple of drinks.

In closing, it was a wonderful 4 days for this Stallone and Rocky nut.
I’ve always wanted to go to Philly to pay Rocky tribute and what better way
for it to finally happen! Not only did I get to witness the statue dedication
and get to be near my childhood idol, but I also got
to spend great times in the gorgeous city that is Philadelphia. Striking architecture, lots of history and
finer than red wine women, the city was mint. THANK YOU JOBLO.COM!

Now I know what you’re thinking: was he one of those a-holes who ran up the
Rocky steps and jumped up and down on top like Rocky did in
the movie? The answer resides below.




Published by
The Arrow