Categories: Movie News

JoBlo talks Oscars!!

Note: For anyone who gives a rat’s ass, I’ll be giving my Oscar picks on WQLZ on Friday morning between 9-9:30am (EST). You can listen to the streaming broadcast at

those of you who missed my radio appearance the other night, CLICK
to download the Podcast of the 45-minute discussion (~
14MB) which ranges from how got started, to my
"meeting with Salma Hayek" (yeah, I have to keep talking
about it, so that I never forget that it happened!!), to the
studios’ relationship with the site, my thoughts on Richard Kelly’s
SOUTHLAND TALES and this year’s upcoming movies, but most
importantly, the Oscars and my rinky-dink opinions on who I think
WILL win, and who I would love to SEE win. By the way, my interview
starts around the 15-minute mark, just so you know. Of course, you
realize that we also have our Oscar Prediction Contest happening
this week, which you can enter HERE!
Finally, thanks to both Dan and Jessica for inviting me on their
show and for their great hospitality (and by hospitality, I mean
that they let me swear, which was awesome– my mother is so proud).

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