Categories: Movie News

JoBlo Trailers!

Our man Alex Keen has been hard at work preparing some archived trailers over the past few years to go into our video section. Over the course of this week, we’ll be uploading them and they’ll be available for your viewing pleasure.

When you go back and watch some old trailers to movies you’ve already seen, you sometimes forget just how good the film really was. Personally, re-watching some of these trailers has inspired me to back and check out some of these great movies. Below, you’ll find a few trailers that are definitely worth checking out again.

KILL BILL: This is definitely a great film, but unfortunately it’s also responsible for my worst theater experience ever. Without going into detail, let’s just say there was snoring, cell phones ringing and a shouting match to distract me. And no, I was not involved with any of them. However, I still love the trailer.

COLLATERAL: I really liked Tom Cruise as a bad guy. If possible, I think this is an underrated film as far as performances and direction goes. The trailer got me pumped to watch it again and I’m glad I did.

SIN CITY: What more can you say about SIN CITY? The worst part about this trailer when it came out was having to wait so long to actually see it. Now, you can watch it over and over and then plug it in to your DVD player when you get home from work.

AVIATOR: I love me some Leo and Marty. This is one of Marty’s most epic films and still one of his best. Personally, I think it should have won best picture, but that’s just me.

LOVE ME IF YOU DARE: This has become one of my favorite love stories of all time. I can’t believe this went completely unnoticed by me when it first came out. It’s next to impossible to find on DVD, but I highly recommend putting it on your Netflix que.

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