Categories: Movie News

JoBlo weighs in on The People Vs. George Lucas

We all have our opinions when it comes to George Lucas. Love him or loathe him, the guy created one of the greatest sci-fi stories ever told. He also created characters that will stick with us for the rest of our lives.

The documentary, THE PEOPLE VS GEORGE LUCAS goes deep into the cultural influence that Lucas’ films like STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES have had on fans. It also goes into the controversy that surrounds the man himself. The film is composed of fans, celebs, filmmakers, and the ever so awesome JoBlo himself. Each person giving their own opinions of Lucas and the world he has created.

If you’d like to get the DVD, you can pre-order it on The doc releases on October 25th.

Check out the two clips below that include our kick-ass boss and founder of this website, Mr. JoBlo.

Published by
Niki Stephens