Categories: Movie News

JoBlo whacked again!

deaths in two weeks…cool! Not sure if anyone gives a rat’s behind
about any of this, but last week, we premiered my
“death scene”
from the Christian Viel-directed DEADEN
(a film written by and starring John Fallon aka the Arrow) and since
the feedback was so enormous (honestly, I don’t think I received one
about it), we decided that you’d also be interested in
seeing me die in my second motion picture cameo from the Christian
Viel-directed RECON
, the sequel to RECON 2020. You can see the film’s latest
teaser HERE
or its trailer HERE.

Arrow co-wrote this puppy and also has a small, but significant,
role as the Cyber Merc in this one, but after seeing the screening
last week (you can read more about that HERE),
I was pretty amazed at what director Viel was able to do on such a
small budget. Honestly…I was laughing a lot through the film (many
Arrow-esque jokes), enjoyed the action stuff, appreciated the
T&A stuff (and yes, girls, there’s even a “penis shot”
for ya’ll) and really liked all of the different “alien
creatures”, including the homages to such films as ALIENS,

Robert Rodriguez had a French-Canadian doppelganger, his name would
be Christian Viel, a man who can do just about anything with very
little money. While the film is not on the scale of “big”
sci-fi flicks, it still managed some great effects and plenty of
fun, especially for those who appreciate that sort of thing. The
audience that saw it with us was TOTALLY into the movie, which will
hopefully be seeing DVD shelves by the end of this year, with the
third of the trilogy, likely to be filmed early next year (and yes,
cross your fingers that I am asked to be killed in that one as
well). The series is apparently “huge” in Japan!

low-budget movies is about as hard a gig as it gets, but I respect
dudes like Viel and Fallon so much more because they make sure to
enjoy the process along the way, and don’t forget why we all got
into this cwazy business in the first place: because we LOVE movies,

I went off on about 12 different tangents there, but for anyone who
wants my appearance in the film SPOILED, click on the clip
below and see what happens when they send my character of “Joe
Blow” to check out the planet of Mezzo first (by the way, this
is my character’s introduction, so much like any red-shirted STAR
TREK character, it’s pretty obvious that I’m gonna die and die real
soon!). Thanks again for inviting me into your movie, guys and the
premiere was a blast!

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