Categories: Movie News

JoBlo’s Geek Chicks: Five Episodes Death Punch

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Grab a beer out of the snow in the backyard and snuggle up with some Geek Chicks! Watch out for Niki though, she’s got “wandering hands”. This episode we discuss the garbage dump of excess that is Charlie Sheen’s life, new releases, Oscar nods, and another stirring segment of “Ask A Geek Chick”!

Holy New Releases Batman! We discuss the CW tv movie THE ROOMMATE, the third level of New Super Mario Brothers SANCTUM, another plague movie creatively titled BLACK DEATH and of course FRANKIE AND ALICE about Halle Berry and her annoying roommates.

We discuss the possibility of Robin Williams as Hugo Strange along with the Academy’s nominations for this year’s Oscars. (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) And of course there’s “Ask A Geek Chick” where Jaci goes on a trademark tirade about astigmatism and Niki gets all worked up about Wonder Woman.

We also talk about video games and which releases we are looking forward to this year. (As if there’s anything besides Gears of War 3 even worth mentioning) There’s also some awkward dead air time and cats meowing in the background, everything you’ve come to love about Joblo’s Geek Chicks!

It’s a family show, folks!

Your turn to do the dishes you crazy bitch!

Wow, James Cameron really dropped the ball on this one

We would be really a happy to receive any comments, questions, or internet memes. If that sounds like it tickles your fancy, send an email to!


Published by
Jaci Selby