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JoBlo’s Geek Chicks: Hot Clowns, Metal Evolution, and Hot Dog Fingers

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Welcome to your first taste of JoBlo’s Milfcast! Ew, why do I always have to lace my sentences with sexual innuendo?

The Geek Chicks are together again after a short hiatus. So what happens when our power combine? We talk about what we watched and the conversation somehow spirals out of control from there. Everything from hot clowns to hot dog fingers gets discussed. I think I heard the word “anus” at some point but don’t quote me on that.

Have you seen SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS yet? If you haven’t then you don’t like Robert Downey Jr. as much as you lead us to believe. We would do unspeakable things to that man…and don’t lie, so would you.

Hey Bro, we made a necklace from parts of your skull. It was the most metal thing we could do.

This is what government created killer nano robot infection looks like.

Great to be back.

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Niki Stephens