Categories: Movie News

JoBlo’s Geek Chicks: The Ghost of Dan Fogler

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We’ve made it to yet another Friday and boy, do we have some hilarious shit ahead for you.

This episode feels like the love child of sleep deprivation and special Bossk brownies. Jaci made them. She told me to eat one. I don’t usually question her. We breeze through the new releases and wonder why mars doesn’t get their own moms. Seriously, Jaci and I will go all ID4 on their ass if they try anything. In honor of MARS NEEDS MOMS, we give our list of favorite sci-fi films.

We then discuss that we had an interview with Dan Fogler (FANBOYS, TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT, MARS NEEDS MOMS), but my computer took a turn for the Skynet. Watson is a bad influence on computers everywhere. Jaci talks about how awesome it was then we move along quickly to recover from the sad. I’ll just put it this way– one question spurs an awesome conversation and an even more awesome contest.

Yeah, he wants us.

When you hear it, scream as loud as you can…

So the T-Rex has halitosis, but Buffy has a can of Aqua Net in her bag, except she twisted her ankle…

We would be really happy to receive any comments, questions, or internet memes. If that sounds like it tickles your fancy, send an email to


Published by
Niki Stephens