Categories: Movie News

John Boyega says he’s done with Star Wars

John Boyega joined the STAR WARS universe in 2015's THE FORCE AWAKENS as Finn and continued on in the role across two more films. Even though the SKYWALKER trilogy of STAR WARS is over, some believe that some of the newer characters could pop up in future installments. Although John Boyega is thankful for his STAR WARS experience, the 28-year-old actor appears ready to simply move on.

While posting a picture from the sets of an upcoming movie on his Instagram page, a fan asked Boyega whether he would be up for an appearance in a new STAR WARS movie. Boyega replied politely but his answer seemed firmly in the negative:

"lol no thank you. I've moved on"

The answer was short and to the point but this echoes sentiments he made last year about wanting to move on from the franchise. Boyega made it clear that he has bigger ambitions than just being known for STAR WARS:

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm ready for life after Star Wars. After Star Wars, that's when the check clears. Life after Star Wars is about to be lit. It's bittersweet because of the connections we made on set, the amazing people, important people to my life specifically Oscar Issac and Daisy Ridley. Now, I'm ready to see our relationships grow and flourish in the real world."

Given that John Boyega is a pretty young actor, it makes sense that he wouldn't want to just jump into more STAR WARS films simply because he good. He likely wants to stretch his acting muscles and take on bigger challenges which is likely why he's so adamant about not returning. Hopefully, some fans don't take his response as a dig and a sign he's unappreciative. Finn's story was more or less wrapped up by the end of THE RISE OF SKYWALKER and while I'm sure they could think of more to do with him, it's probably best to let all of those characters rest and try to focus on new and compelling stories.  

Would YOU want to see John Boyega come back as Finn or do YOU think he's right to say no more?

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