Categories: Movie News

John Carter’s Church?

After learning that Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins would be starring in JOHN CARTER OF MARS this week, it didn’t take long for news on the next actor to join the production to break. While nothing has been formally announced by Disney yet, Thomas Haden Church was on “Reel Talk” with Jeffrey Lyons promoting IMAGINE THAT and when asked what he’s up to next, he said “I’m probably going to do a huge science fiction drama at Disney called JOHN CARTER OF MARS.”

Since Haden Church has been getting typecast as the villain lately, a lot of speculation has it that he’ll be playing the big baddie in the film. But it’s also possible he could be starring as Carter’s alien sidekick Tars Tarkas. Though I would caution that since this is an origin tale, Church’s Tarkas could be a villain for the first half of the film with them joining sides toward the end of the film. I’m sure Disney won’t be happy that Church is talking about the film before it was announced but hopefully we’ll get some confirmation soon. Thanks to Coming Soon for the heads up!

Published by
Mike Sampson