Categories: Movie News

John Krasinski announces that filming on A Quiet Place 2 has wrapped

While one certainly isn’t necessary, a sequel to the 2018 smash hit A QUIET PLACE was quickly given the greenlight with director John Krasinski and stars Emily Blunt, Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe set to return. Now production has wrapped on the anticipated horror sequel, and to celebrate, Krasinski posted a photo of he and Blunt as they hold hands while walking near the spot of the first movie’s most tragic sequence.


The first movie’s story found remaining humans having to stay absolutely silent in order to avoid alien creatures, who have such sensitive hearing they will viciously barrel towards any noticeable noise. After we’re eased into the premise with much suspense at the beginning, everything goes to hell when the youngest member of Krasinski-Blunt’s family turns on an electric toy, leading to his death before he can be saved. In announcing that filming had wrapped on the sequel Krasinski posted the photo at the very bridge where the moment took place, the two walking on a trail of sand to muffle their steps.


The original flick was met with wild critical acclaim and made over $340 million that year, becoming that year's most surprising hit. The sequel was then put on the docket, and production officially began this summer with actors Djimon Hounsou and Cillian Murphy set to join. We don't know a lot of detail about the sequel other than it will pick up where the last left off, wherein Blunt and her children figure out how to take the creatures down. 

Krasinski talked about his approach to the sequel, saying he wanted to avoid the pitfalls many follow-ups often do:

"[With A QUIET PLACE 2], we have the world. So it’s actually the world that’s built, it’s the idea that the rest of the world is going through this exact same experience. Are there other people that have to survive like this? It’s that idea of living through the set of circumstances, not again in the same way obviously, but exploring it more. You only got to do it intimately for a small amount of time, so what happens next?"

It may be a little while before we get some good details about the sequel, but considering the release is for this upcoming March it probably won't be long before we see get a teaser trailer, and perhaps so by the end of the year.

A QUIET PLACE 2 is in theaters March 20, 2020.

Published by
Matt Rooney