Categories: Movie News

Jones directs Matty

How exactly do you work a shirtless scene into a drama about lawyers? That’ll be one of the many questions Tommy Lee Jones has to consider as he preps his sophomore directorial effort THE LINCOLN LAWYER, which will star Matthew McConaughey. The film, based on the bestselling novel by Michael Connelly, will star McConaughey as a lawyer who works out of the back of his Lincoln Towncar defending low-level criminals. Then he lands a case defending a wealthy playboy accused of murder (played by Jones), and his life becomes just like one of those John Grisham novels.

Both McConaughey and Jones have starred in Grisham legal suspense movies before with the former starring in A TIME TO KILL and the latter taking a role alongside Susan Sarandon in THE CLIENT. Strangely, this film would mark the first time these two famous Texans worked together in a film. Now if they can only figure out how to prop McConaughey up on the poster, we’ll be in good shape…

Published by
Mike Sampson