Categories: Horror Movie News

Josh Brolin the number one choice for Spike Lee’s Oldboy?

Yesterday came the polarizing confirmation that Hollywood’s OLDBOY remake will be a Spike Lee joint. Have you had a chance to weigh in yet?

Or better, have you envisioned which actor would be given the tall order of playing the titular badass? In the talk-backs, I saw references to Denzel. Or was that just a snide barb from E.Dubb’s Twitter feed? Either way, we now have a potential name in the running.

According to Twitch, none other than Josh Brolin (seen above) is atop the wish-list to star in Lee’s OLDBOY. No offers have been fielded yet, so nothing’s official at this point, but Mandate clearly has their sights set on THE GOONIES actor. Yup, I just went GOONIES on him.

For the uninitiated, here’s what the original OLDBOY is all about. Be cautious though, word is Lee’s joint will be more based on the Manga:

An average man is kidnapped and imprisoned in a shabby cell for 15 years without explanation. He then is released, equipped with money, a cellphone and expensive clothes. As he strives to explain his imprisonment and get his revenge, Oh Dae-Su soon finds out that his kidnapper has a greater plan for him and is set onto a path of pain and suffering in an attempt to uncover the motive of his mysterious tormentor.

Okay then, how do you see Brolin fitting in the role? Think he’s got what it takes? If not, who’s your number one choice to top-line OLDBOY?

Brolin’s gorgeous wifey, Diane Lane

Published by
Jake Dee