Categories: Movie News

Journey to the past in this teaser for Vin Diesel’s The Last Witch Hunter

Any fan of Vin Diesel will tell you that the man delivers, whether it be performance or promotional material. In the case of THE LAST WITCH HUNTER, Vin just dropped a new teaser for the flick showing a bit of his character's past. If you were wondering where that sweet beard went to in the previous teaser trailer, look no further than this video!

It's no secret that Vin is a huge fan of fantasy, and while his Riddick series has been met with varying degrees of lukewarm success, I hope that LAST WITCH HUNTER proves to be a fun ride. If the FAST AND FURIOUS franchise has taught him anything, it's that he works best when he has a fun ensemble to bounce off of. If you ask me, Rose Leslie, Elijah Wood and Michael Caine are not a bad start! If the next trailer shows off some action to take note of, I think that may really drum up some interest. After all, this isn't BRAVEHEART.

THE LAST WITCH HUNTER will open on October 23, 2015.

Published by
Sean Wist