Categories: Movie News

Juno Int. trailer

JUNO, which is looking more and more like this year’s LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, if not better, has gotten itself a shiny new international trailer, which is completely different in style to its predecessors. The new trailer has a more sassy, sharp dialogue and less Jason Bateman. I’m not sure who wins there, but either way, unfortunately, Michael Cera’s inner thigh remains present. But you should definitely catch it because it’s great. Interesting JUNO-related story: about 3 years ago, just before she was to make UNITED 93, I met and then hung out with Olivia Thirlby (‘Leah’, JUNO’s best friend in the movie, who says “I know, right!” in the trailer) for the evening when she was in London on holiday or something. The flick, about a wicked smart young girl confronting an unplanned pregnancy and finding herself, hits cinemas on 5th December in New York and Los Angeles to limited release. Make sure you check it out, because this thing has been getting crazy reviews. And because there is an off-chance that Jason Bateman might say ‘dick beaters’ again.

Check the trailer out over YONDER.

Published by
James Thoo