Categories: Horror Movie News

Jurassic Park 4 rumor control from director Colin Trevorrow

A little while back, we caught wind of a large, spoilery (supposed) plot synopsis for JURASSIC PARK 4, which dealt with a fully operational park housing “muzzled” velociraptors and T-Rexs. Obviously, director Colin Trevorrow has heard the talk, as he recently addressed the rumor on the Jurassic Park podcast.

I saw some of the rumours on the internet and I would have all kinds of red flags going off if I heard they were going to muzzle a T-Rex. So I would say don’t believe everything you read, there are way more insiders on the internet than there are in real life.”

So there’s that.

Trevorrow also hints at the cool new dinosaur that we heard about a few months back.

What is my favourite dinosaur? We have a new one that’s pretty cool. I’m not going to tell you anything about it, but… it’s pretty bad ass. I think Jack Horner said something about that too.”

Finally, Trevorrow attempts to calm any worries people might have about him taking the gig, seeing how he’s only directed one film before, the indie romance SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED.

This is not a paycheck gig for me and it’s not the movie that I’m making so I can make the movies that I really want to make. I actually want to make a kick-ass Jurassic Park movie.”

We’ll see how kick-ass JP4 actually is when it comes out in 2015.

Published by
Eric Walkuski