Categories: Horror Movie News

Jurassic World goods: New image of Indominus Rex, Mercedes ad and more!


Some interesting JURASSIC WORLD goodies being dropped today that should interest those of you who can’t get enough early looks at the June 12th release.

As you can plainly see above, a new look at the fearsome Indominus Rex from the film has been offered via an unlikely source: Mercedes Benz. (Click to see it bigger.) Mercedes is one of the summer blockbuster’s advertising partners, and evidently there are some snazzy new Benz’s in the film; thank god for synergy. Below the text, you’ll also see a new Mercedes commercial, which is a blend of footage from JURASSIC WORLD and your standard car commercial. Below that, you’ll find a making-of video for the commercial.

And below the Benz stuff, you’ll see a behind-the-scenes look at a recent JURASSIC WORLD photo shoot, which features above-the-title names like Steven Spielberg, Chris Pratt and JW director Colin Trevorrow.

JURASSIC WORLD opens in theaters everywhere on June 12th.

JURASSIC WORLD Mercedes Benz commercial

Making-Of Mercedes commercial

International Photo shoot

Published by
Eric Walkuski