Categories: Movie News

Jurassic World pays tribute to Richard Attenborough’s John Hammond

Yesterday we were sad to learn about the passing of legendary actor/director Richard Attenborough. Many of the comments from the schmoes here reflected a lot of memories for JURASSIC PARK’s John Hammond, played by Attenborough in 1993. Now director Colin Trevorrow has posted a new photo from his JURASSIC WORLD set which reveals a nice tribute that will be in the movie, but it's definitely is more fitting now.

Colin Trevorrow posted this image on twitter with the text “In Memoriam”:

They spared no expense.

The bronze statue of JURASSIC PARK founder John Hammond even features his signature mosquito stuck in amber on his cane. We can assume the statue is part of the new JURASSIC WORLD visitor center. The theme park, which was built on the original island Isla Nublar, sees more than 20,000 visitors every day.

JURASSIC WORLD stars Chris Pratt,Bryce Dallas Howard, Jake Johnson, Vincent D’Onofrio, Omar SyIrrfan Khan , Judy Greer, Nick Robinson , and Lauren Lapkus.

The film is set for release on June 12th 2015.

Published by
Graham McMorrow