Categories: Movie News

Kanye West the “creative director” of the Jetsons movie? Wait, what??

Last night Kanye West got a little high on…life…and went on a three-hour Twitter tirade that touched on a number of different topics. Ye’s tweets ranged from creating a new line of Nike sneakers, designing the MTV Video Awards and starting up a summer school with director Spike Jonze. As if that weren’t already a big bowl of WTF, Yeezy then dropped some knowledge on a JETSONS movie.

Says Kanye: “I was just discussing becoming the creative director for the Jetson movie…” To quote the BLADES OF GLORY quote made famous in “Niggas in Paris,” I don’t even know what that means.

He explains (sort of?) saying that he was on a conference call discussing this opportunity and someone said he should do a Jetsons tour (worst piece of advice ever?), to which he got insulted and wondered aloud if the person had even seen the “Watch the Throne” tour.

UPDATE – MTV contacted JETSONS producer Denise Di Novi who confirms that they did, indeed, have conversations with Kanye West about the JETSONS film. Says Di Novi: “He reached out and said he’s a huge Jetsons fan…He was interested in creatively brainstorming what we were doing with the movie and what ideas he might have. It was a really friendly, preliminary conversation.” Read more here.

Jane, get me off this crazy thing!

Now I’m not even sure what a “Creative Director” on a JETSONS movie would do or why Warner Bros., who owns the rights to the film, would even think of Kanye West as a viable partner for a kids movie. I don’t mean to insinuate that West isn’t a creative, forward-thinking guy, but I’m just confused by what would exactly be happening. Maybe they just want him to remake “Eep-Op-Ork-Ah-Ah” for the soundtrack?

Published by
Mike Sampson