Categories: Movie News

Karen Gillan joins Guardians of the Galaxy as the lead female villain

Looks like the girl who waited didn’t have to twiddle her thumbs very long before receiving a big job after DOCTOR WHO.

Karen Gillan, best known to Whovians as Amy Pond the Eleventh Doctor’s former companion has boarded James Gunn’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY as the lead female villain opposite Lee Pace as the lead male villain. Unfortunately, this is all we presently know about the role.

Damn, this cast just keeps getting better and better! Just yesterday, I delivered the news that Glenn Close was on the project as a leader in Nova Corps along with a confirmation that John C. Reilly would be playing Rhomann Dey. Already attached are Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, and Michael Rooker.

Shooting is said to begin at the end of June in the UK.

Who could Gillan be playing? Speculate away!

Published by
Niki Stephens