Categories: Movie News

Kate Upton is being considered for the leading female role in the Entourage movie

Those of you looking forward to seeing ENTOURAGE come to the big screen will probably look forward to this as well.

Kate Upton is being eyed for a leading female role according to several close sources of The There’s been no formal offer but they are in early discussions. While Upton’s people are denying this news, they do say that there was interest in the curvy blonde for a role earlier this year.

There isn’t much for details when it comes to the part but she could be playing love interest to Vincent Chase (Adrien Greiner) who would definitely be up for some time with Upton.

Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven will all be back. The film directed by creator Doug Ellin is said to be centering on Ari Gold’s new position as studio head.

Production will begin next year.

[Note: This was also an excuse to post Kate Upton gifs.]

Published by
Niki Stephens