Categories: Movie News

Kevin Hart shares video of his rehabilitative journey after tragic accident

Comedic actor Kevin Hart has posted a heartfelt and inspiring video to his personal Instagram account detailing his recovery from a horrendous car crash in September. Clocking in at nearly two-minutes, the video presents a montage of moments ranging from the night of the accident to Kevin's rehabilitation process and beyond.

On the evening of September 1st, Hart ws riding in a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda on Mullholland Highway when the driver, Jared Black, lost control of the car and it plummeted down an embankment, tumbling the whole way down. Eventually, the car smashed into a nearby tree. No one in the vehicle was wearing their seat belt at the time of the crash, nor were any of its occupants under the influence of alcohol. Both Black and Hart sustained major injuries in the crash, an event that nearly ended the Jumanji actor's life then and there.

"Basically, what you realize is that you're not in control," Hart says in a voice-over as the video begins. "No matter how much you think you're in control, you're not in control. At the end of the day, it can all be over, man."

"My world forever changed" explains Hart in the video which shows the actor working his way through a series of rehabilitative exercises for his injured back. "You know when God talks, you gotta listen," Hart continues. "I swear, life is funny. Because some of the craziest things that happen to you end up being the things that you needed most. And in this case, I honestly feel like God basically told me to sit down."

As the video plays on, Hart expresses his love and adoration for God, his family, friends, and fans who've helped him through what he sees as a transformative journey. "After my accident, I see things differently," says Hart in the video. "I see life from a whole new perspective. My appreciation for life is through the roof."

As the video nears its end, Hart confesses, "I'm thankful for simply still being here, on the road to being a bigger and better version of me," Hart then closes the video by announcing that he's "looking forward to an amazing 2020."

If I may get personal for a moment. I'd like to echo an aspect of Hart's sentiments. Never take your life for granted, my friends. As someone who's undergone two open-heart surgeries, multiple abdominal surgeries, lives with active Crohn's disease, and had skirted a cancer scare during my teens, I implore you to live every day to its fullest. Tell the people who're special to you that you love and appreciate them whenever possible. There's no knowing what lurks around the corner, and I sincerely hope that you use your time here to enjoy life and all of its wonders. Take care of yourselves.

Published by
Steve Seigh