Categories: Movie News

Kevin Smith might lose Seann William Scott to a rival hockey flick

It’s cool to hate on Kevin Smith these days, as he once was a fanboy darling, but has started to eat his young by pumping out crap like COP OUT and berating anyone who questions him.

But can he pull himself out of this slump? He was hoping so with HIT SOMEBODY, his hockey comedy he wrote with Seann William Scott in mind to star. But word has it, Scott is circling GOON, Jay Baruchel’s similarly themed hockey project. Smith, as usual, tweets his angst:

Via @artvander “Saw #CopOut. SWS has never been funnier.” Made me want to cast him in HIT SOMEBODY. But now he’s circling GOON. *sigh*

Via @Film_2_140 “has SWS read HIT SOMEBODY script yet? Is it Near done” No – been a busy month, so still on pg101. Hence he’s circling GOON.

Via @Film_2_140 “surprised he’s looking at Goon?” Nah: they’re ready to roll. HIT’s not ’til AFTER RedState – so mid-2011 the earliest.

Via @boomertl “goon and HS are very similar” Not from what I’ve been told. At all. Besides: the more hockey flicks, the better. #SellTheGame

So, essentially Smith is admitting it’s his fault for not getting the HIT SOMEBODY script out fast enough as he’s been busy with RED STATE. He says they’re not similar, and can co-exist, but they are both hockey comedies about a player prone to fighting.

Are there really no other actors that could fill this role? Hah, what’s Scott’s old DUDE WHERE’S MY CAR buddy Ashton Kutcher up to these days? I would also suggest Ryan Reynolds if he wasn’t booked until 2018.

Published by
Paul Tassi