Categories: Movie News

Kevin Smith releasing extended “Snyder Cut” of Jersey Girl

Kevin Smith will release an extended version of his 2004 flop Jersey Girl this spring, dubbed Jersey Girl: The Snyder Cut. Thankfully, it will not run four hours.

On the endeavor, Kevin Smith said on the Fatman Beyond podcast, “There’s a very long cut of Jersey Girl, which, recently, Paramount took over Miramax, they’ve got most of the library and stuff, and they were talking about, ‘Hey, we wanna put out Jersey Girl this year,’ and I was like, ‘Well I have the extended cut, which I’ve shown at [the 2005] Vulgarthon,’ and if they allow me to, I wanna call that ‘Jersey Girl: The Snyder Cut.’ Because that term now just covers so much ground, man…It tells the story of, yes, this filmmaker is gonna get to go back and f-ckin’ fine-tune and make the exact movie they wanna make.”

As far as the main draw of this extended version of Jersey Girl, it is considered “the over-2 hour version of Kevin Smith’s sixth flick that’s closest to his original script, with an entirely different first act that features waaaay more JLo.” J-Lo–that is, Jennifer Lopez–has very limited screen time in Jersey Girl, getting killed off within the first 15 minutes while giving birth, thus setting the story of Ben Affleck’s Ollie trying to raise their daughter Gertie as a widowed father. For the record, Affleck now has one more Snyder Cut than anybody else…

Jersey Girl was a critical and commercial dud upon release, unable to capture the magic that was Gigli. Jersey Girl went on to pull in $35.5 million at the box office on a budget just under that, with many citing Affleck and Lopez’s breakup as one of the many reasons for its poor performance. Now that the pair is actually married {squeals in tabloid}, maybe there will be more of an interest in Jersey Girl? The movie also went on to receive three Razzie nominations: Worst Actor (Affleck), Worst Supporting Actress (Lopez) and Worst Screen Couple for Affleck and either Lopez or Liv Tyler.

The extended cut of Jersey Girl will be screened at a “one night only” event held on May 28th at Smodcastle Cinemas in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, where some of the movie was shot.

We’re happy Kevin Smith can get his extended version of Jersey Girl to fans, but what we really want is for Harvey Weinstein to loosen his grip on Dogma so we can stream it!

Would you watch an extended cut of Jersey Girl? Did you like the movie when it came out? Let us know!

Published by
Mathew Plale