Categories: Movie News

Killer Text trailer

How R U doing? I am 2 drunk! LOL! Please excuse the shorthand, I was just practicing my “text-speak” in honor of the new horror indie TEXT which I first told you guys about way back here. Well, today we finally have ourselves some more info on the flick.

First off, is the new poster up top. Honestly, it doesn’t do all too much for me. I hate to berate a poster for a flick that’s boasting a fun concept, but for the love of Jahova, have you ever seen a plainer, un-scary one-sheet in your lives?! No matter. The fun, trippy, bloody, rockin’ new trailer below should help erase your opinion of the image up top pretty fast.

The plot for TEXT reads like this: A high school student along with three friends, attempts to get to the bottom of the mysterious deaths of a number of their classmates. It seems each one shuffled off the mortal coil shortly after receiving mysterious text messages on their cell phones.

I say it could make for a cheap, entertaining time. I also say that having Hanna Hall from Zombie’s HALLOWEEN starring as the main high school student is a big plus. Director Brian McCulley and writer Ken Maskrey definitely got off on the right foot by selecting her. The rest of the cast includes Laura Peters, Michael Kaiser, Joel Geist, Kevin Derkash, Josh Philips, Katrina Miller, and Reggie Bannister (PHANTASM). If you’d like to check out the official site, please click here.

Published by
Mike Catalano