Categories: Movie News

Knight’s Tumbler clip

Just to be on the safest possible side, there are possibly potential spoilers here and if you don’t want to know a single thing about THE DARK KNIGHT except that it’s gonna be awesome, I’d recommend not reading any further…

Thankfully for all of us rabid Batman fans, Mancow radio in Chicago have gone covert and snagged a bunch of shots from the DARK KNIGHT set. There’s a bunch of footage of taxis, the bank, the school bus that I’m assuming The Joker drives into the bank and yep, the ‘Tumbler’ (Batmobile) smashing its way through a wall. It’s nothing that’s gonna drive you insane, but it’s really sweet footage and it’s Batman. That said though, if you guys are getting excited seeing Harrison Ford sitting on a chair, this should do something for you.

The website hosting the clip can be found HERE. Click on ‘Batman for Mancow’ to see the footage.

Published by
James Thoo