Categories: Movie Trailers

Kristen Stewart seeks out a ghost in the trailer for Personal Shopper

Olivier Assayas, the director of CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA and SUMMER HOURS, returns with this ethereal and mysterious ghost story starring Kristen Stewart as a high-fashion personal shopper to the stars who is also a spiritual medium. Grieving the recent death of her twin brother, she haunts his Paris home, determined to make contact with him. Creeper! You can check out the trailer for PERSONAL SHOPPER below!

I can't say that I'm in the camp of people who dislike Kristen Stewart, but on the other hand, I don't really know a movie of hers that I really enjoyed. ADVENTURELAND, I suppose? In any event, I haven't checked out director Assayas' previous work, so I'm not sure how well this ghost story would go down. Perhaps Stewart's character's brother just wants her to go shopping for him. That'd be a satisfying conclusion, no?

PERSONAL SHOPPER will open in select theaters on March 10, 2017.

Published by
Sean Wist