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Krysten Ritter doesn’t think she will be back for more Jessica Jones

The debut of the final season of JESSICA JONES on Netflix marked the end of an era for the Marvel/Netflix, bringing everything to a close after shows like DAREDEVIL and LUKE CAGE met the ax. Many believed it was the result of Disney forming its own streaming service, with the notion floating around that maybe the canceled shows would find a new home there. As far as JONES star Krysten Ritter is concerned that probably won’t be the case, as she revealed she’s at peace with knowing her time with the character is done.


Ritter was speaking with TVLine recently as the series came to a close, and she was asked about the possibility of a revival season, perhaps on Disney+ or Hulu, which Disney now owns a majority stake in. She isn’t holding her breath like something for that to happen and seems to be ready to move onto the next big project.

“Do I think I’ll play her again? I don’t think so. I feel like I’ve played her, you know? I feel really good about it. I feel good about closing the door.”


Even showrunner Melissa Rosenberg doesn’t think there’s more to come. “I feel like this is a really complete, closed chapter,” she told TVLine. “I mean, never say never. But I feel ready to tell all new stories.”

Even if Marvel and Disney wanted to bring back the character it could very well be with a different creative team on all sides of the camera. It was revealed some time ago that part of the Netflix deal for their four Marvel shows – IRON FIST, LUKE CAGE, DAREDEVIL and JONES (THE PUNISHER doesn’t factor in) – the characters can’t appear in any non-Netflix series for two years after cancellation. That means in the case of Jones, the character can’t be seen again until 2021 at the earliest, while her male colleagues can be seen again in 2020.

What the future holds for these characters no one knows. Their shows have always leaned a little more adult, featuring sex and violence, so I can't see them being revived on Disney+. Coming back to life on Hulu is another matter, but given Ritter's words, she doesn't seem to be down for more, unlike DAREDEVIL's Charlie Cox, who seems game for another season. 

Published by
Matt Rooney