Categories: Horror Movie News

Latest Only Lovers Left Alive clip finds vampires trapped by a thing called love

We've been keeping an eye on Jim Jarmusch's upcoming vampire drama ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE, most recently sharing the films trailer with you just a few weeks ago, and now we have a new clip featuring stars Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston finding themselves 'trapped by a thing called love'. Check it out below.

Set against the romantic desolation of Detroit and Tangier, an underground musician, deeply depressed by the direction of human activities, reunites with his resilient and enigmatic lover. Their love story has already endured several centuries at least, but their debauched idyll is soon disrupted by her wild and uncontrollable younger sister. Can these wise but fragile outsiders continue to survive as the modern world collapses around them?  

A vampire-based film from Jim Jarmusch starring Tom Hiddleston, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Mia Wasikowska, Anton Yelchin and Jeffrey Wright…oh, this one is definitely on my 'too-see' list. It hits theaters on April 11 2014.

Published by
Kevin Woods