Categories: Movie News

Leo’s Low director

It’s doubtful you’ll see Leonardo DiCaprio retiring any time soon — the workaholic has over a dozen projects he’s planning to produce and/or star in, including a crime thriller called THE LOW DWELLERS.

The project reunites Leo with his BODY OF LIES director Ridley Scott, but only in a producing capacity. Hotshot commercial director Rupert Sanders (whose work has drawn comparisons to Zack Snyder) is being eyeballed for the chair, a substantial responsibility given DiCaprio’s star status and the fact that the script sold for over a million bucks after a bidding war.

The story from first-time screenwriter Brad Ingelsby is said to have a “prestige quality” and a tone along the lines of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN and A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE. The story follows a man trying to assimilate into society after he’s released from jail, only to find someone from his past pursuing him to settle a score.

DiCaprio is currently busy making Chris Nolan’s mindjob INCEPTION.

Published by
Dave Davis