Categories: Horror Movie News

Leprechaun director reteaming with Warwick Davis for Vamprichaun

3 feet tall…2 inch fangs…1 pot of gold.

In the wild and wacky world of hybrid beasties we've seen some real doozies – SHARKNADO's, SHARKTOPUS's, PIRAHNACONDA's – but could you imagine what would happen if a Leprechaun got bitten by a vampire? It's a VAMPRICHAUN, and if director Mark Jones, who directed 1993's LEPRECHAUN and has the Billy Zane-starring SCORNED coming our way this month, has it his way, that's exactly what we'll be seeing soon, and he wants original LEPRECHAUN Warwick Davis to play the titular baddie.

Binge Watchers podcast had a chance to speak with LEPRECHAUN director Mark Jones where they talked about the film that kicked off his career and during the interview, Jones revealed that he’s working on a new Leprechaun-esque film that would reunite him with Warwick Davis.

“I stayed very good friends with Warwick. They’re doing the [Leprechaun] reboot without him. And, I said, we should do a new franchise about a vampire who bites a leprechaun. He turns into a little Vamprichaun. Warwick loved the idea and it’s basically a little vampire who bites your ankle instead of your neck and it’s kind of a comedy-horror.”

Jones hopes to spur a new franchise with VAMPRICHAUN, which he says would 'kick the shit out of Lionsgate and their reboot'.

To be honest, I think I'd rather see VAMPRICHAUN rather than WWE Studio's upcoming LEPRECHAUN reboot, if only because Warwick Davis is such a blast to watch when he's doing his evil Leprechaun character. Who knows if this project will ever happen, but we can all hope, right?

The LEPRECHAUN remake will star WWE Superstar Hornswoggle

Published by
Kevin Woods