Categories: Movie News

Liongate receives exorcism produced by Eli Roth

Ever since I saw the first photo from LAST EXORCISM (formerly titled COTTON), I knew I had to see this film.

Today Lionsgate has snagged the distribution rights to the horror film which was produced by Eli Roth, Strike Entertainment, and StudioCanal.

EXORCISM is directed by German director and AFI grad, Daniel Stamm and stars Patrick Fabian (BIG LOVE).

Here is the plot:

“Disillusioned by years of defrauding poor believes of their hard-earned cash, evangelical preacher Cotton Marcus decides to put the record straight by producing a spectacular documentary. A letter from Louis, a poor farmer begging for Cotton’s help in driving the devil off his land, gives Cotton the perfect opportunity to expose the phoniness of his ministry. But then he meets Louis’ disturbed young daughter, Nell.”

In other words, expect the good old fashioned technique of shaky cam crossed with some crazy exorcism shit. Roth was fairly impressed, “One of the best written, scariest scripts I’d read in years. It felt totally original with the potential to be terrifying and realistic the way The Exorcist was. Cotton’s a regular guy who wants to come clean, but then he meets Nell and everything he thought was fake is suddenly challenged in a very subtle and truly horrifying way.”

How will this exorcism film compare with the rest? It’s hard to tell right now, but Jason Constantine, president of co-productions for Lionsgate shared his own opinion on the film, “‘The Last Exorcism’ feels as close to a real exorcism as anyone would ever want to get — audiences are going to find this movie scary as, well, hell.”

I’ve also added the disturbing first photo from the film of Neil. I don’t know what terrifies you, but the pic definitely creeped me out.

Published by
Niki Stephens