Categories: Horror Movie News

Lionsgate picks up Mark Heyman’s internet horror story XOXO

Back in June, we let you know BLACK SWAN scribe Mark Heyman (seen right) had been circulating his newest genre script, XOXO, around town. Almost four months to the day, it looks like Heyman has found a buyer!

According to Variety, Lionsgate has acquired XOXO, an online thriller set in the world of Facebook. No word yet as to who will direct, by Heyman’s pal Darren Aronofsky will serve as one of the producers.

XOXO tells of a twentysomething man who meets a female contemporary on Facebook and begins a digital relationship with her, only to find the object of his affections take the relationship to an obsessed and stalker-y place. Think “Fatal Attraction (but with Facebook).

As you might imagine, comparisons to HARD CANDY and CATFISH have been drawn, what with the whole shady online dating scenario. I certainly dug both of those films, and BLACK SWAN even more, so I’m definitely intrigued to see who Heyman, Aronofsky and company choose to direct. Who knows, maybe Heyman himself will get a crack. I’m not opposed.

Are you? Who should direct XOXO if so?

BLACK SWAN’s Mila Kunis

Published by
Jake Dee